13 hours, one call to the vet at Midnight, and maybe an hour of sleep- all for nine beautiful puppies! Every minute was worth it!!!
Puppy #1 came yesterday at 8:00 PM. I thought to myself- "OK...here we go." But then nothing came for four hours. At that point, I called the vet for some professional advice. In the time it took him to call me back ( 3 minutes) we had puppy #2- weighing 1/4 pound heavier then everyone else. After the big boy was out everyone else came with ease. The last puppy was born this morning at 8:45 AM. When Cash came down this morning to see them, he stared at them with the most joyful grin and said "Nine puppies...that is a lot of puppies." I call them my "cloud nine"!
Ryder did amazing, taking care of each pup as it was born, worrying about the others, and thinking ahead of what she needed to do for the next puppy to come. When it was all over she looked at me as if to say "Phew...we did it." She LOVES her babies! Every time she goes outside for a walk, she will race back to the door and let me know that I am not opening it fast enough with a little whine. Then she races to her box and goes from puppy to puppy, as if she is counting them before she settles down ever so careful to avoid laying on any. Everyone is marked with pink fingernail polish so that I can track their growth and make sure they stay healthy. So if you see pink...it's not blood.
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