It's a whole new world for the puppies. They love their new spot- love the room to run, love the toys to play on, and love all the food they are getting! I love it when they move out to their big pen because they really start showing us who they are. I am constantly reminding them that ears and tails are NOT chew toys! Everyone is pretty good at "dishing it out", but there are some real babies when it comes to "taking it". Some of their favorite toys are- socks in a knot and old milk jugs. Of course they love fingers too! And yes, their teeth are quite sharp now. I can't believe how fast they are growing. Today they are 5 weeks old! "Chunk" is still the biggest, but the others a gaining on him!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Too big for the box...
The pups have outgrown the whelping box and are now in their new puppy play pen. They have lots of room to roam and are much happier. While it is a bit colder then in the house, they have three heat lamps that help keep them warm. Plus Ryder is never too far from them. I don't have photo's of the new pen yet, but will do my best to get some soon!
Hard to believe, but each day they do get cuter! Just think...only 4 more weeks until they go to their new homes!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"Full Meal Deal"
I was playing with the puppies yesterday and discovered that their teeth are coming in- so I introduced them to "real" food. And let me tell you - they dove right in! After soaking puppy food for a few hours, I puree it in the blender and presto- puppy soup! The first time they eat is like no other. There is no doubt that they LOVE the food, it's just that they aren't really sure how to approach it. They are all eager to start in, but once the food around the edges is gone, they don't really know how to get to the middle. Some back-up in hopes they will find it, others decide that their neighbor has enough on their head and legs and help them out by licking it off . But it's the the very brave that jump, head first, onto the pan and head for the middle. Whatever the method, when it's all over, every puppy is covered- head to toe- nose to tail in puppy soup!
Then comes Ryder's favorite part- the clean up. She is very thorough, getting in all the nooks and crannies. Once clean up is over, everyone tops off with mom's milk, and then it's sweet dreams for the lot of them. Enjoy the footage-
Friday, October 17, 2008
Meal-Time Scramble

Sunday, October 12, 2008
It seems like just overnight most of the puppies have opened their eyes and are up walking (stumbling) around. It is so fun to watch,
as now they will start to play with each other, wag their tails, and hear things. The one I like to call "Chunk" likes to bark at his sisters and brothers. There is lots of fun to come with this group!
Here is a short clip of our first "puppy play time"
Thursday, October 9, 2008
"Pass the Pigs"
Have you ever heard of the game "Pass the Pigs"? It starts out with two pig figures that you toss like dice. Then, depending on how each pig lands, you get points. The first person to reach a certain amount of points wins. It is pretty fun! Well, it turns out that the puppies know how the game works! Instead of "Pass the Pigs"- we have "Pass the Pups"!
"Double Sider"
The puppies just continue to get cuter and cuter. A few of them are starting to peek out from the corners of their eyes and have even started walking a few steps. But most of the time the main mood of getting from one spot to another is the infamous "roll over." We have another new nickname- "Chunk" (like from Goonies). He is the big male in the group (the one that slowed our labor up for four hours). Here he is trying to look like a "Shar Pei"-